McGeady Contact Form

Please give us your contact information so we can add you to the Worldwide McGeady list and keep you informed about what’s going on both now and in the future.  At the very least we need your name and email address, but we’d love to know what country you live in and the general area. For example, the closest major city or the state or the county, etc.

If you are comfortable giving even more information than that, be assured that what you tell us will never be shared.

If you know which “branch” your family belongs to please select it.

The original researcher of the McGeady name, Paul J. McGeady, was frequently able to link groups together without being able to connect them to his own family.  He came up with the idea of creating “branches” of the McGeady family based on something that each inter-related group had in common.  For example, he used the term “Fawnaboy” to describe his family group, based on an area in Ireland.  He used “Hazleton” and “Mauch Chunk” to indicate the area where other major family branches had settled in the U.S.


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